NeutrinoParticles Editor 1.2.0
02-09-2024 16:09:42
- Color picker dialog for Graphs Editor. Shift + Click on the color stripe to create a new color key.
- Post-export terminal command for JS export. See project settings. The command is run for each exported JS file.
- Ability to copy textures with an exported JS file.
- Absolute paths are added everywhere. After you choose a path with a dialog it asks to keep it absolute or make it relative.
- A cross in the middle of a background picture in the Preview window.
- F2 shortcut for renaming effects and emitters.
- Rotation and Scale transformation modes for a path in Path Editor.
- Fixed crash on exceeding memory limit. An error notification is shown instead.
- Fixed saving view configuration for Graph Editor for all cases.
- Generating basic shapes in Path Editor. Circle, Rectangle and Polygon.