
Total GPU Acceleration

The latest development in NeutrinoParticles is the editor and renderer that support total GPU acceleration, where both the update and rendering happen on the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), leaving the CPU (Central Processing Unit) idle and available for other tasks.

What do you get?

  • The first-ever technology capable of running on WebGL2, providing this level of features and complexity in effects. This sets a new standard for web-based effects.
  • The ability to use 100 times more particles in effects while keeping the device cool.
  • A high level of effects comparable to solutions from Unity (VFX Graph) and Unreal Engine (Niagara), but NeutrinoParticles works on any device, including desktop and mobile browsers.

Download NeutrinoParticles Editor GPU

To create effects with Total GPU Acceleration, a separate editor is required. You can find it on Downloads page (see NeutrinoParticles Editor (GPU effects only) 1.3).

What's new in NeutrinoParticles Editor GPU


Renderers for WebGL2

These are integration libraries that allow the use of effects in the following environments:

C++ Renderer

Originally, the GPU effects renderer is written in C++ and translated to JavaScript using Emscripten. Therefore, it is possible to create integrations for other engines and applications in C++, C#, Java, and Kotlin. The effects use only OpenGL 3.3 / OpenGL ES 3.0, ensuring they work on any mobile device. Contact us if you're interested in integration or a C++ renderer.

Upcoming Plans

GDevelop integration

GDevelop uses PIXI.js v7 under the hood, so integration will be straightforward. This will make GDevelop the first game engine to fully support GPU effects for all devices.

PIXI.js v8 integration

The eighth version introduces some architectural changes, particularly in the texture loading process, but overall the renderer will remain similar to its v7 counterpart.

Cocos Creator integration

This engine already has some GPU particle effect support, but it is quite raw and offers limited features. NeutrinoParticles will become the new standard for effects in Cocos Creator and its 1.3 million users.

Is your engine not listed?

Contact us, and we can create an integration for you on very favorable terms.